You must set the slave address to something valid (non-zero) and use some form of RTU mode instead of ASCII for most software stacks to communicate with the VFD:
{| class="wikitable"
! Parameter
! Default Value
! Needed Value
! Description
| PD000
| 1: parameter editing locked
| 0: parameter editing unlocked
| parameter editing lock
| PD163
| 0: invalid
| 1: address of 1
| slave address
| PD164
| 1: 9,600 baud
| 1: 9,600 baud
| baud rate
| PD165
| 0: ASCII,8N1
| 3: RTU,8N1
| ASCII vs RTU,data bits,parity,stop bits
[ page 60] describes the Modbus protocol
[ page 60] describes the Modbus protocol