Renco RM21/RCM21 Series Encoders

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Optical encoders made by Renco, a company that ended up being acquired by Heidenhain. There are incremental (with index) ones, as well as ones featuring UVW "hall sensor" channels for 3-phase commutation.

Replacement Parts

Online Resources

RENCO RM21 Modular Encoder P/N 83403-001 REV A (Wayback Machine)

RENCO RM21 Modular Encoder P/N 83403-001 REV A (PDF saved from above webpage)

RENCO RCM21 Commutation Encoder P/N 83409-001 REV A (Wayback Machine)

RENCO RCM21 Modular 2.1 Inch Commutation Encoder 77643-001 REV E