Lattice Diamond


FPGA development environment made by Lattice for their chips.

Download Links

URL Size MD5 Description 1,736,817,600 bytes 9ef354380480647601ad29fb9e4f5092 Diamond 3.12 for Windows
diamond_3_12-base-240-2-x86_64-linux.rpm 1,879,818,513 bytes 54c54e051a7d655345652c04073db02f Diamond 3.12 for Linux (RPM)
linux_installers_md5_312.tgz 545 bytes 9cafc26772186bfec32b4c7b75225cbb MD5 checksums for Linux installers


Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)

You can use the alien utility to convert the .rpm to a .deb suitable for installation under Ubuntu. If you don't want to install it globally, you can instead use rpm2cpio and rpm to extract the RPM contents and view the post-install script that needs to be run.

# unpack the RPM
mkdir ~/apps/diamond
cd ~/apps/diamond
rpm2cpio ~/Downloads/diamond_3_12-base-240-2-x86_64-linux.rpm | cpio -idmv

# run the relevant commands from the post install script
export RPM_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/apps/diamond/usr/local
rpm -qp --scripts ~/Downloads/diamond_3_12-base-240-2-x86_64-linux.rpm | sed -n '/^postinstall scriptlet/,${p;/^preuninstall scriptlet/q}' - | grep tar | source /dev/stdin

# place license.dat file in the default license search directory
mv ~/Downloads/license.dat ~/apps/diamond/usr/local/diamond/3.12/license/

The following online guides are useful:

Online Resources

Lattice Diamond - Lattice Semiconductor

Licensing - Lattice Semiconductor

Lattice Diamond Free Software - Lattice Semiconductor

Lattice Semiconductor - Wikipedia